The Help is one of those rare stories that is uplifting, humorous, thought-provoking, and sobering all at the same time. The Help began as a novel by Kathryn Stockett, and her first novel at that. The Help is a story about Jackson, Mississippi, in the 1960's, and the relationship between black maids and the white women who employed them. The beautifully written novel touches upon the serious racial tension and racism of the time, and follows a young woman who dreams of being a journalist, as she records the stories, good, bad, and awful, of dozens of maids around town. The outcome of the book she publishes full of these stories, is, to say the least, controversial.
The Help is one of those books that seemed made for the movies, so it's no surprise that the motion picture came out last Wednesday. The Help has gone from a must-read, to a must-see. The star-studded cast, containing Emma Stone and Octavia Spencer, delivers a laugh-out-loud funny, and heartwarming performance. Don't miss it!
Riley Stauffer (@rileystauffer)

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