Sunday, August 7, 2011

'Til Forever Ends
Mondo the Poet 

Through a view, I see your not once, not twice, but three times a lady and I love you and I want to give you more than Just looks into an introduction of what my love life been like
With just a glimpse or two, if I could have anything in the world it would be to more than just love you
I’ll rub you I’ll curb you I love you I love you, I love you three times more than a father love its child
My love comes in reciprocity 360 turn around the neck an owl my love is.
I’m that old man at the park, summer nights and summer days, day to day sitting down on the bench watching the children play, daydreaming about my youth
I want you like old wants new, the way new wine needs new skins in biblical days
I will express my love for you in multiple ways
Hope we grow old
Can’t you tell from the looks in my eyes I’d give you my all right now
If people fall in love I’ve found the deepest hole right now.
If life was a game of soccer my heart is the ball the players kick around, and opponents try to postpone, I keep on Running and push strong, my love has no hold when you’re the goal.
I need you more than a deceased body needs a soul
Your life to me, is life to me, don’t leave from me separating from you I’ll seize breathing freezing life ceasing degrees Dropping colder than dry ice air space is to me between we!
The blood shedding pressures of life made you more than a girls best friend you have no price my blood diamond.
How ever many kids you want, name them number them, I’ll provided them, then provide for us, for them.
Them will know they daddy love them, but you still push me away cause your hearts broken from them and like a idiot in Love, I said I’d take the blame, but sorry!
Sorry my love isn’t great enough relinquish the pain they made, but to the grave I’ll try
Partially Indian Black Foot the Brave I am super the man I am your hero those zeros won’t come near you or hear from You!
You’ll live on an other planet with me where we breathe love and breed doves, peace 
Although we ain’t met yet, I don’t know your name, you don’t know me, the only thing that met between us was eyes, Yet I can’t let go, from the looks of it you can’t either, if your eyes ain’t leaving and my eyes ain’t either.
How bout we see our future together until we stop breathing?
Look deep in my eyes, deep in you knows this where forever beings, I see the pain in your eyes
Won’t you let forever being!
Won’t you let forever begin?
Take my hand this is where forever begins

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