Monday, November 14, 2011

Is He Into You?

It's a tough call to make.  How do you know when his interest goes a step further than just friends?  How does he show it?  How do you know if he just wants a booty call or if you're what he considers "wifey" material?  How do you make sure you don't misinterpret it?  This is tricky situation, but with a few tips, any girl can know for sure.

1.  If he asks you for advice about other girls, you're just a friend.  If a guy talks to you about other girls he's interested in, then he considers you as someone he trusts and can listen to for honest advice.  That's a good thing, especially because boys don't always like talking to each other about these things.  But, it for sure means you're already in the friend zone.  Even guys, who can seem oblivious about even the most obvious things sometimes, knows not to talk to a girl he's interested in about other girls.

2.  If he texts and calls you during sunlight hours, that's a good bet he's interested in a little something more.  As anyone in college knows, you only hit up booty calls from the hours of 10 pm-4 am.  Always.  What you're after is sex, and that's all.  There's no reason to make small talk during the day when you're busy with other things.  So, if he's contacting you during the day, continuing conversations by asking about you, your family, your friends, and your interests, then he's trying to learn more about you.  He's trying to establish a connection with you to see if there's the chemistry there to foster a more long-term relationship.

3.  If his friends start saying hi to you and making conversation, that's a good sign.  So, let's say you and a guy have been hanging out.  You've hooked up a few times, you chill a couple times a week, and you're friendly when you see each other at parties.  At this point, you don't know what he wants.  Does he just want a casual hookup?  Would he be interested in taking the next step?  But, you still feel like it's too early to have a conversation about his intentions. So, this is a good rule of thumb.  If a guy's friends start saying hello, stop to make conversation when they see you, and ask when you'll be around next, that mean's your guy have been talking about you to his friends positively and fairly consistently.  For his friends to begin seeking a friendship with you, that shows that they imagine you'll stick around for a while.

4.  If he'll only hang out with you in private settings  (hence, his apartment or your room), don't get your hopes up.  A guy that doesn't want to show off to the world that he's hanging out with a fun, beautiful girl like you, is either hiding something or doesn't consider you important enough.  If he constantly seems nervous that others might find out he's hanging out with you, then you need to do some snooping.  And don't feel bad about it.  Most likely he's got a girlfriend or he's playing a number of other girls too, and doesn't want to get in trouble, so find out.  For your sake.  If you find out he's not messing around behind your back, but he still doesn't seem to want the world to know about his association with you, then for some reason,  he's not proud of you.   This is not your fault.  He is most likely an immature, stupid jerk.  This is his fault.

5.  If his compliments are reserved solely for your sexual abilities or how you look naked, then that really is all he's interested in.  A lot of girls like to fool themselves into thinking that a guy who is only with her for the hookup, actually feels more and is just afraid to show it.  This is probably not the case.  If he's just complimenting your sexy lingerie and cute ass, then that is truly what he likes about you.  Drop him and find a guy who will compliment, and therefore, appreciate, you for your beauty, intelligence, and kindness.

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