Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Do people have no idea what a hobby is anymore?

It seems very clear to me that all people care about nowadays is smoking, having sessions, drinking and playing beer pong, or partying and Facebook. When was the last time you spent a weekend with your family besides holidays? Or when was the last time you had an innocent sleep over with your friends and had a movie night? What ever happened to innocent fun? Read a book, take a nice relaxing drive with a friend some place, and I am not saying Vegas!

I mean go to the beach, or go get lost and do something fun and spontaneous like camping or go water skiing with a loved one. Stop caring so much about what dress you’re gonna wear to a party and think about what is important in life. Yes, life in Earth is short, and yes, live your life to its fullest! But don’t waste it by partying every second. Stop smoking pot and drinking shots every weekend or every day just because you’re either on vacation or on break from school or you have a day off from work. Do something innocently fun and get a hobby. 

I’m not saying to stop going out all the time, just enjoy life as much as you can because in the end, there are heart breaks that are not even worth going through. Find the one, get married. Come on, look at the difference from the 40’s, 60’s and Today. Compare modesty and class. Look at how people dance from then and now. Dancing is not about grinding on each other. Learn ballet, salsa, tap or jazz, even hip hop and slow dancing. Stop humping each other. And really, all relationships nowadays are about sex. Why don’t you date different people to see who it is that really fits you? What ever happened to saving yourself for “the right one?” And look at the difference in peoples language, communication and laziness. 

All everybody does is text message, and facebook one another. Yeah it’s easier, but stop being lazy and talk on the phone. And about the language, all it consists of is slang and abbreviations. Write a letter to a friend or family member to their home instead of text messaging or e-mail or facebook. I feel like I am the only old school one on this Earth besides my parents. Another thing, so many people say how much they hate drama but yet they do the same thing over and over again and never learn. Drama follows you only because you never do anything to try and escape it. Drama follows you and you follow the drama so move on! And who ever says, “I live life without regrets” has a lot of regrets. Yes you make mistakes and learn from them but every person has at least one regret. 

Lastly, something that really irks me is when people say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Really? I judge all the time, it is human nature. I’m not a negative person but who doesn’t judge? If you don’t judge the people you’re around or the situations you’re in, you definitely will get stuck in sticky situations. You judge to decide right from wrong and to decide life issues such as friends and the relationships you’re in. So who ever says to not judge a book by its cover, screw you, because you’re a hypocrite for saying that because I know you’ve judged one time in your life.

Kelly RaeLynn (@KellyRaeLynn

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