Thursday, December 22, 2011

Give with love. Receive with kindness

Holidays are about being with loved ones and truly enjoying and cherishing all moments. Christmas time is coming, and for those of you who love getting presents, which in fact every body loves, be appreciative, and have charity in your hearts. Everybody wants, and no body really thinks in depth what they really need. We do not need an iPad, or an iPhone, we do not need an iPod touch or the best Apple Macbook.

Why can’t we be grateful and thankful for the smallest flip phone, or a disposable camera. This generation is quite tough to please. I’m not implying everyone is this way, just in general. When I was younger, I got a barbie doll, pair of pajamas, and a card with money.

I was so happy to get anything and to be honest, I did not care about presents, I was just the happiest for my family to be there with me. The first time I had ever gotten anything so huge was a CD player. I was thrilled! but a bit saddened because everyone of my friends had the first iPod that had just come out, but I knew my parents did what they could to get that CD player.

Now there are so many new technologies coming out and I want a lot that (LOL) but I am not going to ask, I will be happy for anything I get. I know that Christmas isn’t about getting disappointed for opening a present that they didn’t want and complaining about it, or exchanging gifts. Receive with all the kindness in your heart and really appreciate everything your loved ones have done for you and given you. My parents are old school.

They were born in the 40’s and grew up where they did all they could to even have bread and water on the table. Anything they received for any holiday, whether it was a birthday, or Christmas, they were excited to even open anything at all. Why can’t it be like that now (except no bread or water on the table)?

If your parents got you underwear, or shoes, which we all need, be grateful, don’t be mad if they don’t buy you Nikes. Christmas for me is about Christ and what he has done for us. I want to be with my family and take pictures that you can cherish and have memories so much more than getting presents. I don’t need anything that bad anyway.

I have all I need and more when I am with my loved ones. Give with love and receive with kindness. Don’t expect, but appreciate all you have these holidays.

 I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Kelly RaeLynn (@KellyRaeLynn

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