Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RANT: My problem with The Adjustment Bureau

I’m watching The Adjustment Bureau and it’s making me a little angry how obsessed Matt Damon is with Emily Blunt after briefly meeting her only twice. Like, the guy took the same bus every day for three years hoping to run into her again. #1 The bus? Gross #2 What the [expletive].

Is that realistic? Is it possible to make such an impression on someone so soon? I know this movie is supposed to be some thriller/adventure/romance - but it gives me delusional dreams worse than Disney movies. I loathe these kinds of romantic fantasy films that put these ideas in my head. Hopes that I once had for the future that I’ve all but lost faith in.

My god, this movie makes me incredibly depressed for all the wrong reasons. Instead of fearing that a secret bureau is out there adjusting the free will of everyone on earth and controlling my actions without my permission - I’m
 angry jealous at the fact that Emily Blunt is somehow able to cast this spell on Matt Damon in such a short amount of time. It makes me wonder if I’ll ever be able to do the same. #whitegirlproblems jealous at the fact that Emily Blunt is somehow able to cast this spell on Matt Damon in such a short amount of time. It makes me wonder if I’ll ever be able to do the same. #whitegirlproblems

Alex Sautter (@calexifornia)

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