Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I don't like...nevermind I'll keep it to myself

Chylynn Harvey (@highchy)
I see a lot of people bending over backwards not to be judgmental these days. In a way, that's good....I think. Passing judgment on others others only divides us and ends up harming ourselves and others. But, it also causes problems when we try so hard not to be judgmental that we wind up being stupid, instead. This is also harmful to ourselves and others, and ought to be avoided as well. 

When someone tells me something that doesn't ring true for my own life, it's not judgmental to decline to take that advice, decide not to finish reading that book, or not to follow that path. It would be stupid to do so, in fact, knowing that it's not for me. We have minds, hearts, and bodies for a reason. It's my opinion that when we allow our actions to be informed by our reason, our emotions, and our visceral response, we are able to triangulate quite well, and come to the correct answer for our own lives. It's when we ignore one of more of these avenues of information - when we let our minds override our feelings about a situation, or let our feelings overcome what we know, intellectually, to be true - that we get into trouble. But, like everything else, it's about balance.

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