That’s easy. People like that are usually hard on themselves because of everything they have to do in order to maintain a certain look, or whatever else they feel is needed to be accepted by society. Both males and females tend to fall into this trap, and in most cases, it leads to many of these people falling into a depression or other health issue. In our society today, looks mean everything. Personally, I feel that a persons intelligence overrides the their looks, and the fact that a person is handsome or beautiful is just a bonus. However, many tend to disagree.
Being beautiful and handsome has its pros and con, and many people today would do just about anything to become that beautiful or handsome person that everyone strives to be, but it’s the upkeep of that particular look that drives people crazy. A lot of females turn to plastic surgery, personal trainers, dermatologists, and other methods to achieve this. Many males turn to steroids, personal trainers, and plastic surgery also. However, both males and females have to maintain the look that they’ve created. After they workout to get their body a certain way, they can’t just stop all together. I mean, yes, they can cut down on how much they work out, but stopping all together wouldn’t work, because body fat will start developing, and the look of their body would change. Things such as that can put a lot of pressure on a person, because in their minds they feel that they have to have a particular look in order to be accepted by others. I’m not saying that all beautiful or handsome people go through this, but 75% of them do. Is it because of our society?
Starting at school, many kids are teased because of the way they look, or, in particular, certain types of girl (red bones, hazel eyes, hips, booty… etc.) go through hard times just because of the way they look. As a result, most of them feel that looking a particular way is what would make people accept them. The problem is, that’s not true.
Receiving compliments everyday doesn’t make it easier on some people, and it can actually make it harder, because they feel that they not only have to please themselves, but also everyone else. Many times, when things don’t go right with the way they look, they feel as if they’ve failed, and they put even more pressure on themselves. Everyone has their own unique look, and we should all appreciate it. If you’re unhappy with the way you look, then hey, who am I to tell you that you can’t change it? But, it’s important to make the change for you, and not for anyone else.
Jennifer Leal (@jenleal88)
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