As a girl about to start my sophomore year of college in LA, I'm committed to a lot of things: my schoolwork, my friends, and, I'm not ashamed to admit, my partying. College is the one time of your life where it's not only acceptable, but it's encouraged, to go out and have a good time. For me, that can mean a lot of things, but the one thing that's usually involved, is getting drunk. Now, we all know there's nothing worse at a party, than that messy, stumbling, spilling-her-drink, crying, hitting-on-every-guy-in-sight girl who's had too much to drink. I'm going to give you a few tips on how to hopefully not become that girl.
First and foremost, it starts when you're getting ready. It's great to wear that figure-flattering bodycon skirt, that colorful crop top, and your sexiest heels. After all, if you won't wear them now, then when will you? But, with each drink you have, your coordination and self-awareness are going to decrease, as your clumsiness increases. Therefore, it's important that you can walk in your heels. Believe me, this will save you many unsightly bruises. Make sure you have a secure bra on. When you're on the dance floor, the last thing you need is a nip-slip that someone else will probably have to point out to you. And, most importantly, underwear. Always wear underwear.
Now, you're dressed, made-up, and arriving at the pre-game. Your goal here is to meet up with everyone, get excited to go out, and have just enough drinks to start you feeling good. However, it's way too easy to cross over from that great tipsy state, to black-out drunk before you've even gotten to the party. There are many ways to avoid this. Make sure you've eaten during the day. An empty stomach will not only make you get drunk faster, but will make you feel sick. Try to keep track of how many drinks you've had. Next, if you know tequila does awful things to you, then bring your own booze. Finally, pace yourself. I've been in a rush, had multiple shots in under fifteen minutes, and found myself way too drunk only an hour later.
Finally, you've made it out. You're at a party, a frat house, a club, a concert, or wherever else you may find yourself. This is what you've been waiting for. However, one bad decision, and your night could be ruined. So, make sure you don't try to have any serious conversations. Don't approach your boyfriend's ex, don't try to make-up with the girl you don't like, and don't take the time to thank your RA for not busting you and your roommate for clearly breaking a lot of rules this semester. What you think is a good idea in tonight's hazy stupor, will surely be a cringe-worthy memory tomorrow morning. Finally, dancing's awesome. It's great exercise, tons of fun, and a good way to flirt with guys. But, there's a thin line between flirty and trashy. I know we've all seen that obviously wasted, classless girl who's got her skirt hiked up to her waist and is taking "drop it low" to the next level. This will only attract sleazy guys, embarrassing photos, and everyone else laughing at you.
So, as fun as going out and letting loose can be, a lot can go wrong. Alcohol really does make you do things you wouldn't normally do. Damn inhibitions. But, try to be aware of yourself and wary of mistakes, and soon enough, you'll have it down to an art.
Riley Stauffer (@rileystauffer)
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