Thursday, April 28, 2011

The 300 Workout

When the movie 300 was released, widespread awe and jealousy occurred over the strong, chiseled bodies of the soldiers in this film. Even though it's been four years since the film's release, many people still have not made any progress on obtaining this body ideal. Luckily for them, the very same workout used by the actors to prepare for this film, has been modified to be as simple as possible, but still give the desired outcome. What's even better is that it can be done at any gym. So here is a workout that can help you obtain the physique of one of King Leonidas' 300 men.

The key is completing it as fast as possible. Taking minimal breaks will make this a cardio workout, as well as strength training. This will be a total of 6 exercises with 50 repetitions for each one.

6 x 50 = 300. Get it?

1. 50 pull-ups.
Pull-ups can be one of the  most beneficial exercises because it utilizes multiple muscle groups and gets your heart rate going very quickly.

2. 50 pushups.
Too easy? Try putting your feet on a stability ball, now place two kettle bells on the floor shoulder width and balance your self on the handles. Now perform your pushups. You will will find that this will be a lot harder.

3. 50 kettlebell swings.
The weight of the kettlebell is up to you. Most people start in the 25-35lbs range. You will move up in weight the more you do this workout. If you don't have a kettlebell use  a dumbbell. It works just as good. 25 swings with the right, 25 swings with the left.

4. 50 standing shoulder presses.
You can use barbells, kettlebells or dumbells. Pick a weight that you can sustain for 50 reps.

5 50 jump squats.
This is the most hated of the 6. Burn baby burn. However squats is one of the best exercises you can do, and it will definitely help you make significant gains.

6. 50 leg lifts.
You can do them laying down or hanging, it doesn't matter with approach you take. The important thing is you give your abs some much needed attention.

Try to improve your time of completion each time you complete this workout. Let us know how it went.
Good Luck!

As always remember to contact a physician before starting a training routine.
special thanks to bornstronger.

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