Friday, October 21, 2011

Rant: The world, love, and me

Marriage: ”Traditionally” Man and woman date, then marry, after that comes children, and grow old together. “These Days” Boy and Girl live together first or then kids come along , marriage is probably not even an idea, or if it is, then sign a Prenuptial Agreement.You might as well not get married if you’re already thinking about divorce. My “ideal” marriage is to date until I find the right one for me, and then get married, have children, and grow old together. If you get married, make sure he/she is the right one. If you probably think “oh 10 years marriage is a long enough time and then divorce” then dont get married! Find the one you know you will be with till you grow old together.

People don’t realize, but not all “friends” stick with you. You’re husband/wife is not only your “only” friend but your true friend and love. Maybe not just him/her, but the one friend other than your husband or wife will be that one friend that stuck with you from the beginning. My parents and grandparents are the best examples of true friendship and marriage.

Parents, 41 years. Grandparents, 54 years. I’m not saying “hopefully they last forever.” I am saying, “I’m happy they will last forever.” I want that, and I will have it. Girls especially need to be more conservative these days. Everything is about sex, drugs, alcohol or partying. I gave all of that stupid stuff up. I want true friends, I want to find the one and I just need my family. I’m done with those friends who are your friends just because “you’re cool and you party.”

I grew up a lot and I am a true adult. This generation, “adults” are kids. These days people are immature, irresponsible, dependent and have no idea what they want in life but what they see in media or follow what their friends do. The worlds’ view sucks. People need to really think for themselves and be independent.

People rely on technology now and it is just too rediculous. When was the last time you hung out with your family on a weekend, instead of partying? I know who lasts in my life and who doesn’t. Family, your “soulmate” and your only friend who was there since the beginning. I don’t go towards the worlds’ view. I go by my view. Serendipity is me. I bring the good fortune, I am me and I am my own luck.

I determine my life and my destiny. Everything happends for a reason, everything. Face challenges, Face yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. Be true and stand for what you believe.

Don’t be a pet like everybody else.

Be classy.

Kelly Cypert (@kellyraelynn)

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