Monday, January 23, 2012

The problem with being thirsty

1. Too eager to get something
3. The act of wanting someone or something more than is necessary
4. horny; wanting sexual satisfaction

We all know that person. That girl who is so desperate that it's more than borderline pathetic. It's demeaning, it's embarrassing, it even creates pity. Being thirsty covers a wide variety of definitions. Someone who is beyond simply interested. A girl who is thirsty for a guy is inferring that she would go to any length to receive whats she wants: a sexual relationship.

This activity is especially common among women seeking male athletes. Obviously women prefer a man who is healthy, in shape, and has good stamina: who doesn't? However, there is a CLEAR line between being interested in someone and prostituting yourself to get some action. Statistics show that mates who are hitting the gym and looking to get in better shape are preparing themselves to leave the relationship and re-enter the mating world. Therefore, athletes who are fit inevitably may struggle to maintain a healthy relationship in general. As a result of this natural phenomenon, women who encourage a sexual relationship through desperation will never obtain satisfaction in other aspects of the union. There will be no substance in the relationship that does not include physical gratification. 

Advice for the ladies:
Try things the old fashion way. Establish a relationship as friends before going further. Sometimes you may bond with a person incredibly fast without the intention to. In this case, remind yourself to take it slow and not get in too deep too quickly. Often, you may not even recognize how you feel until you realize you care. Therefore, investing more time in the basis of the relationship, rather than the physical aspect, you'll be able to make a better judgment on where things are going. There are PLENTY of ways to be intimate together without physical action. Examples: watch a movie, cook a meal, go on a run, talk about what you want in life. One of the greatest intimacies is learning about one another.

So ladies, take a look at your tendencies. If you find yourself managing your life around a man and his activities, then take a step back. Make him pursue you and make an effort!

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